Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thursday 6th September 2007 Curved Cassettes?? Yep Curved Cassettes

Images of a Curved Cassette.
Thursdays begin with an Enema list and continue with constant work from the Minor Injuries Unit (M.I.U) and a variety of Orthopeadic Clinics from visting consultants.

The list starts at 9:00am and finishes at 13:00 and today would be solely Barium Enemas in Room 1 which has a Flouroscopy tube levaing the General work from the Orthopeadic clinics and M.I.U to be carried out in Room 2.

Their is an Enema trained Radiographer who is assisted by a Senior I grade and together they operate the room, from preparation to screening through to the final plian film images.

The difference with this hopsital is they complete a four view series as a completeion to procedure a Prone Film (Hamptons View), Prone 30, and RAO and LAO Decubitus Views, once these have been completed there will be an additional four imgaes grabbed by Flouroscopy.

These final images are acquired if there has been an area demonstrated of consistent spasm, if there is an area of abnormality, also the final images demonstrate an better view of the caecum with a small amount of air in it.

I was alos told that you know when you have the caecum when you reach the terminal ileum entering the small bowel then move the tube down a little further and the domed area is the caecum, look a little harder and the appendix will become clear. I hope to download an image to demonstrate this later in the blog.

The mornings list continued to include a total of six patients all of varying degrees of condition, as there were two Rdaiographers on duty I was working as the assistant role during each procedure and then completed the final set of images, a role I thought would be very helpful with Third Year assessments looming and one which involves Flouroscopy.

This role did not really teach me anything I did not already know about preparation but I learnt a lot about the imaging, parcticesed the final sequence of plain films and practiced my Image analysis skills, developing methods of remembering where to look and what you are looking at.

After lunch I returned to start work on Orthopadeic Clinics many of the images acquired where for Knees and Spines the majority of patients all had pre-post operative imaging to check the condition of the joints pre-post op.

I spent the reamining three hours developing my techniques on knees and showed the Radiographers here how we do Intercondylar Notch Views at the training placement, Why?? You may ask.. Well I was shown the old fashioned plain film method of a Curved Cassette! Yep an actual cassette that is curvedand its amazing. ive never seen one before and its quite unlikley I'll ever see one again. For those who are interested I'll be posting an image on this blog.

So how does it work? The Curved cassette has a normal flat plate placed in the curve cassette in the dark room, it is then placed under the knee withj the patinet sat up and the image is acuired, the cassette is then taken to the dark room and placed in a flat cassette and placed in the processor, the resultant film is as though it were an adapted technique from a text book.

And that concludes todays Blog

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